Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Homemade Natural Deodorant recipe

Ever since becoming vegan, I've began to wonder what is actually in my hair and make-up products that I use on and around my face everyday. You can inhale chemicals while using hairspray, your body can absorb chemicals from using store-bought lotion everyday, and your pores can absorb chemicals in the deodorant you use! Researching about all these chemicals that I found in my Secret deodorant, Dove hairspray, and Suave lotion really concerned me and I decided to make my own products.

One of the main ingredients in this homemade deodorant recipe is coconut oil. Coconut oil is exactly what it sounds like: oil from the coconut. I bought Dr. Bronner's brand of coconut oil and I love it. When looking to buy a coconut oil, you want to make sure it's in a glass container, is fresh-pressed or cold-pressed, unrefined, and organic. Coconut oil has many uses but I mainly use it to cook with and as a body moisturizer. It comes solidified but once you rub it on your body or cook with it, it begins to liquify. It also smells AMAZING. I highly suggest you get rid of your store-bought lotion that you use everyday and swap it for some natural coconut oil.

So now for the deodorant recipe, coconut provides a great base for deodorant and makes for a smooth texture. Most all deodorants at the store contain aluminum and parabens. Aluminum is the main ingredient to block perspiration but what many people don't realize is that it clogs the pores and prevents them from ridding toxins from the body! I've tried many natural brand deodorants and they did not work at all! This homemade deodorant does not contain aluminum or paragons, and it smells amazing and best of all, it works! It allows the body to get rid of toxins while also maintaining body odor. It also saves you money! Ever since swapping all my store-bought toiletries with homemade recipes, I've saved so much money and I rarely go to Target anymore! Haha. I used to spend so much money on hair, makeup, and bathing products that it was insane! I'm so much happier with my natural products now.

2 tablespoons baking soda

2 tablespoons arrowroot powder (I use Bob's Red Mill brand)

3 tablespoons organic virgin coconut oil

15-20 drops of essential oil of your choice (I use lavender essential oil)

*you can buy essential oils at GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe!*

In a small bowl, combine the baking soda and arrowroot powder. Add the coconut oil and stir until it is smooth and creamy. The coconut oil will be hard at first but the more you stir, it will become heated and soften on its own. Once it is creamy, transfer it to a muffin/cupcake liner or small container of your choice. (You can also empty and wash out an old deodorant container and use that) Refrigerate the deodorant for a few hours until it has hardened. Once it is hardened, pop out the liner or leave it in the deodorant container and use like deodorant. Keep in mind, you must keep the deodorant in the fridge or in a cool environment in order for it to stay remotely hardened. Coconut oil tends to melt at warm temperatures. I left my deodorant liners in my bathroom and they were very soft the next morning so I prefer to keep mine in the fridge. Keep it in an airtight container so it doesn't dry out. I keep mine in a small plastic bag in the fridge.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Glowing Green Smoothie recipe!

Hey everyone!

There is this amazing drink called the Glowing Green Smoothie and it is certified nutritionist Kimberly Snyder's recipe. I have this smoothie every morning for breakfast! EVERY morning! It is a wonderful way to start the day. It's full of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes! This recipe goes along with her entire Beauty Detox Program and if you haven't, I recommend reading her book "The Beauty Detox Solution". It's a great book and I learned so much about health and digestion. It's recommended to not only have the Glowing Green Smoothie for breakfast everyday but to also follow her meal plan. I've been following it for over a month now and I love it!
It is recommended that you blend this smoothie with a Vitamix blender. I bought a Vitamix a couple of months ago and I use it almost every day! It's a very powerful blender and breaks through the cell walls of the greens and fruits in this smoothie. You can still use a standard blender to make this smoothie, you may have to cut up the fruit and veggies into smaller pieces though.

Kimber Snyder's Official Glowing Green Smoothie recipe:

(64 ounces / 2-4 servings)

  • 1 ½- 2 cups very cold, filtered water
  • 6 cups spinach, chopped
  • 5 cups organic romaine lettuce, chopped
  • 2 stalks of organic celery
  • 1 organic apple, cored and chopped
  • 1 organic pear, cored and chopped
  • 1 organic banana
  • 1–2 Tbs. fresh organic lemon juice

Optional Ingredients

  • Ice cubes (the extra coldness can help newbies with the taste)
  • 1/2 cup of organic cilantro
  • 1/2 cup of organic parsley

Add water, spinach and chopped romaine to the blender. Starting the blender on a low speed; mix until smooth.
Gradually move to higher speeds and add the herbs, celery, pear, and apple. Add the banana and lemon juice last.

*For 1 serving, cut out one of the fruits and the celery.

I usually have 16-20 ounces of this smoothie for breakfast. Since this recipe makes 64 ounces, I keep the rest in a big pitcher in my refrigerator and it lasts up to 3 days! You can also freeze portions of the smoothie if you would like it to last longer.

Here is Kimberly's blog post about her Glowing Green Smoothie: click here

I hope you all enjoy this amazing smoothie! I love having it every morning! It's delicious.

Let me know how you like it! :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Here is an easy and healthy way to enjoy valentine's day with your family or loves! One of my favorite sweet treats is chocolate covered strawberries. Instead of using milk chocolate, I bought some vegan 73% cacao dark chocolate at Trader Joes! I put the chocolate bar in a double boiler on the stove and stirred the chocolate until it was melted. I washed and patted the strawberries dry with a paper towel and carefully dipped each one in the chocolate. I laid out a sheet of parchment paper on the counter and sat the already dipped strawberries on there to dry. Once they were all done I let them cool and harden in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes.

They are delicious!!!! You must make this easy and healthy treat for valentine's day or any day! Have fun and enjoy!
